Palazzo Gallio

Palazzo Gallio

This impressive construction which dominates the town was built onto a jutting and rocky spit between the mountains and the lake.

The magnificent dwelling place was ordered in 1586 by Cardinal Tolomeo Gallio, Secretary of State at the service of the papal throne. Having been appointed a few years earlier by the county of the Tre Pievi, Gravedona, Sorico and Dongo, he assigned the realilzation of the building to Pellegrino Tibaldi, the architect of Cardinal Carlo Borromeo. However the building work was completed after 1607, the year of Cardinal Gallio’s death.

Today the building belongs to the Comunità Montana Alto Lario Occidentale, it is a national monument and the pride of the people of Gravedona.

Tradition reminds us that it should have hosted that Catholic Counter-Reformation Council which was then held in Trento.
